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This past Sunday turned out to be a very good day.

It didn't start our that way though.

I kept feeling lazy to go to church. I tried to force myself, but it didn't work. Plus I had a couple counseling session at 1o'clock and I didn't want to stress myself. So I just decided to stay home.

Then just a little before 11o'clock, I got a call from an international number. But the person cut the line before I could pick up. So I immediately call back. And it's a gentleman on the line. So I ask how I can be of service to him, and he told me he just read my article and thought to reach out, since my article said to, if a person needed help. He apologized for calling so early, that's why he cut the line, and was going to text instead. It was 04am his time. He said he was in a terrible, scary and dangerous place emotionally, and just needed someone to talk to who understands what he was going through.

We ended up speaking for about an hour, and when the call ended, he sounded a lot better, and admitted the same.

The one thing he kept saying was how amazed he was that I'm all the way in Zambia, and him all the way in Canada, yet my article reached him and was so relatable, despite the cultural differences. He asked if he was the only one from overseas who had gotten in touch with me because of the article, and I told him that just within the previous week, I'd had about 5 inquiries about my services, and all of them had reached out after reading my article.

I then shared how that through my article, and the continued work I've been doing, I've discovered that Emotional Neglect in Marriages/relationships is actually a global pandemic. Right now in my database, I have people from Australia, Canada, UK, USA, Botswana, and The Caribbean Islands. All who reached out to me because they deeply related with my article and needed someone to talk to who understood what they were going through. Most have even said how that my article gave them a language. Because initially they couldn't even articulate what was happening.

As I reflected on this, it made me a little sad, because I know for a fact that there's many many people in my nation going through this, but currently, I have more international clients than local ones. I believe this is because as a society, we have this thing of not speaking up about the evils that go on in our homes! This is the very same attitude that is there over child sexual abuse. We want to keep it on the hush when it happens.

But on both fronts, I will keep doing my part to help change this narrative, as uncomfortable as it may be. Huge kudos to everyone else pushing for this, in whatever form.

I was and still am so grateful to God that I missed church and was able to pick catch that call. 1 more life helped!

This is why I'm doing what I'm doing. For people like this gentleman, wherever they may be. Who just need to feel heard and seen. And to know that they are not alone and don't ever have to be!

Moments like these make it all worth while.

Thank you so much Father up

This👇🏾is the link to the article in question.

I wrote it sometime last year, out of a desperate need to reach anyone who was going through what I'd been through, and was feeling as dark and alone as I'd felt. To let them know that they were not insane, nor were they wrong about what they were feeling. It was really happening, and it was wrong!

I'm so grateful that the article is reaching some of its intended audience 🙌🏽

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